
Although this site is primarily devoted to organizing your home, I am often asked about ways that full time moms can earn a living from home. Today, I’m going to teach you an easy way to monetize your blog and make money blogging from Day 1. It’s easy to do and it doesn’t require a certain number of page views or site visitors.

Check out my Blogging category in the drop down menu above devoted to learning how to blog. (If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

Make Money Blogging

It’s called Google Adsense. It is free to sign up, and I’ll walk you through the steps. So, what is Google Adsense? It is Google’s free service to website owners where Google uses the space on your blog to display ads.

The more page views or clicks you get, the greater the earning potential for you. Best of all, you don’t have to do anything to display or post these ads. Google does it all for you. You simply give them permission by signing up.

Here are the steps I took to enable Google Adsense on my website. I use the GoDaddy platform, so it may be different for you, depending on who you use to publish your website.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard

Step 2: Go to Edit Site

Step 3: Go to Settings

Step 4: Go to Display Ads

Step 5: Click Sign Up for Google Adsense

When you do this you will be prompted to copy and paste your specific code. Once you’ve done so, you ‘ll likely receive an email confirmation once the ads are up and running. You’ll also be able to check your website where you’ll see those ads working.

So, that’s it! Easy Peasy. Google Adsense is a great way to make money blogging on your website from Day 1. It is a great and free way to get started monetizing your blog.

Ideally, you should plan to upgrade to something like Ezoic or Mediavine once your website traffic increases, but they won’t help you if you are a new blogger. Just be patient, and stay the course. 

(If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

 I hope this tutorial has helped you. I will continue to post related posts to help you along. Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, as I have a whole host of related pins that are relevant to this one. Also, check out my second blog which is entirely devoted to the topic of earning money with a blog. You can find that here.

Bloggers, stay tuned, as I’ll do my best to send more helpful information like this your way!

I am excited to share a valuable resource with you today that can help promote your blog to the next level. It comes from Angie Gensler, one of my favorite bloggers who has helped push my blog to it’s maximum potential and get me more traffic than ever before. Today, I’ll show you one of the resources I use to get traffic to my blog.

(If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

To be clear, you should know I only promote content from people that I have used and that I trust. Angie Gensler delivers. She has an MBA degree and a background in Marketing. Truly, every single product I’ve used of hers delivers great, valuable content. You’ll find content that you can’t find elsewhere. 

Angie’s products will take you from being a beginning blogger to a full-time paid blogger very quickly. Angie’s resources are so valuable to me, that I continue to listen and re-listen to her content daily.

Plus, each product of hers has delivered even more helpful information to me than the previous product. She really does know her craft!

In just one month of implementing some of her strategies, I had a four thousand percent increase in traffic and income! If you would have told me this was possible so quickly, I would have doubted you, but it’s true! Stay tuned in this series to learn more about Angie’s products. I’ll try to review each one to help you decide.

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase anything through my links, I’ll be compensated at no additional cost to you.)

Confused about how Pinterest works? Want to grow a larger, targeted audience? Then, let me teach you how to use Pinterest to do the work for you. This seven page digital download will teach you step by step exactly how to grow your Pinterest following very quickly and therefore grow your audience. (If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

You can get the details by subscribing below. Don’t worry, it’s free! Just leave me a comment below to get it. 2023 Update: This is a no longer a digital download but a blog post. You can read it here.

You’ll receive detailed instructions to grow your Pinterest following. I’ll show you exactly how I grew my following from 60-5,000 in only 30 days.