
HOW TO UNDERSTAND GOOGLE ADSENSE: If you’ve read and followed my blog, you’ll know that I love blogging about cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. However, I also like to help out readers who are fellow bloggers or are considering starting a blog.

Check out my Blogging category in the drop down menu above devoted to learning how to blog. (If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

If you’ve read my blog post about making money blogging, you’ll know that the most common place for bloggers to start is with Google Adsense. Google Adsense is available to almost anyone who owns a website who would like to allow ad display.

Google Adsense provides a way for publishers/website owners to earn money by giving Adsense permission to post ads on your site that relates to your content. It is free to you, the blogger. Read my related blog post, and I’ll walk you through the steps to set up Google Adsense. But, to know how well you are doing, you must know how to understand Google Adsense performance metrics.

     I’m going to help to define the terms and abbreviations you see in Google Adsense, as well as most other ad publishers. HOW TO UNDERSTAND GOOGLE ADSENSE is a bit of a process, so I’ll be posting a series of blog posts to help explain these things. Let’s get started.


1. Pageviews

     Pageviews is just simply that. It is the number of people who visit your page that displays Google Adsense ads. It doesn’t matter if the page has multiple ads, it only counts as 1 pageview. 

For example, let’s say you have a page on your website that has 3 Google Adsense ads displayed. If that page is viewed 2 times, it generates 2 page views.  


2. Clicks

     Google Adsense pays you for the number of clicks you receive on their ads. These clicks do not have to turn into sales for them, which is nice for you. You get paid per click whether the person who clicked purchases anything or not. (If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

Special note: Never, ever click your own ads! You can get banned temporarily or permanently. Google runs software that “crawls” your site to determine if this happens. They will catch you. Don’t do it. If you do, they will take away any profit you have “earned,” as well. So, play fair, and don’t abuse the system. I’ve met people who’ve done this, and some are banned for life. Yikes! Google wants the traffic to be authentic and clicking your own ad is not an authentic lead. 


3. Impressions

Impressions is determined by the number of page views of pages or posts with ads. Google defines it like this: An impression is counted for each ad request where at least one ad has been downloaded and viewed on a user’s device. If the user clicks away from the page BEFORE the ad has downloaded, then it doesn’t count as an impression. In this way, page views are different from impressions. If you are running more than one ad, impressions will always be higher than page views. 

There are two different types of impressions: Served Impressions and Downloaded Impressions

Served Impressions are counted when an ad is sent or “served” to a publisher’s site. It may or may not be downloaded and viewed by the user.

Downloaded Impressions are counted when an ad is downloaded and viewed by a user on their device.

It is like a mirror in many ways. If a person is in front of a mirror but doesn’t look up to see their reflection, it is like a served impression. If the person in front of the mirror looks up and sees their reflection, it is like a downloaded impression. Hope that makes sense. Of course, Google is only interested in counting downloaded impressions.

Whew! This is a lot to cover, right? Hopefully, though Google Adsense is not as difficult to understand now that we’ve defined a few terms. I hope you now know how to understand Google Adsense performance metrics. Stay tuned for my next post in this series, and we’ll unveil a few more of these terms and bring more clarity to your experience. Subscribe to my site to receive blog updates.

(If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

Bloggers, stay tuned, as I’ll do my best to send more helpful information like this your way!

Confused about how Pinterest works? Want to grow a larger, targeted audience? Then, let me teach you how to use Pinterest to do the work for you. Read more here.

You’ll receive detailed instructions to grow your Pinterest following. I’ll show you exactly how I grew my following from 60-5,000 in only 30 days. Read how here.

Need to learn more about Blogging for Income?

Check out these related blogging posts I’ve written.


Seeking blog traffic? Read my post on How to Get Massive Traffic to Your Blog

Need help setting up Your Pinterest Business account? Read my post on BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS SERIES: HOW TO SEO YOUR PINS FOR PINTEREST

Need blog post and social media ideas to promote your blog? Check out my review of 366 Days of Social Media Posts.

Want to Maximize Your Pinterest Reach? Read more here on this post I wrote: Blogging for Beginners: Using Pinterest Group Boards

Need help creating content? Check out my post here on HOW TO PLAN A YEAR’S WORTH OF BLOG POSTS IN ONE AFTERNOON

Need to make an income blogging? Read this post I’ve written on CAN YOU REALLY GET PAID TO PIN TO PINTEREST? and MAKE MONEY BLOGGING FROM DAY 1

Wondering what bloggers do all day? Read my BLOGGING DAILY TO DO LIST

Need help creating Pinterest Pins to promote your blog? Read this post on HOW TO USE CANVA

I am excited to share a valuable resource with you today that can help promote your blog to the next level. It comes from Angie Gensler, one of my favorite bloggers who has helped push my blog to it’s maximum potential and get me more traffic than ever before. Today, I’ll show you one of the resources I use to get traffic to my blog.

To be clear, you should know I only promote content from people that I have used and that I trust. Angie Gensler delivers. She has an MBA degree and a background in Marketing. Truly, every single product I’ve used of hers delivers great, valuable content. You’ll find content that you can’t find elsewhere. 

Angie’s products will take you from being a beginning blogger to a full-time paid blogger very quickly. Angie’s resources are so valuable to me, that I continue to listen and re-listen to her content daily. Plus, each product of hers has delivered even more helpful information to me than the previous product.

(If you need to sign up for a new blog, try bluehost for the cheapest options.)

She really does know her craft! In just one month of implementing some of her strategies, I had a four thousand percent increase in traffic and income! If you would have told me this was possible so quickly, I would have doubted you, but it’s true! Stay tuned in this series to learn more about Angie’s products. I’ll try to review each one to help you decide.

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase anything through my links, I’ll be compensated at no additional cost to you.)


Happy Blogging!